RobustCircuit Publications
Publications by RobustCircuit PIs resulting from the 1st funding period:
Andriatsilavo, M., Barata, C., Reifenstein, E., Dumoulin, A., Griffin, T.T., Dutta, S.B., Stoeckli, E.T. von Kleist, M. Hiesinger, P.R., Hassan, B.A., (2025).. A sequence of probabilistic processes determines differential axon target choice during Drosophila brain development. Nature Neuroscience, in press
J. Lützkendorf , T Matkovic-Rachid , S Liu, T Götz , L Gao, O Turrel, M Maglione, M Grieger S Putignano, N Ramesh, T Ghelani , A Neumann, N Gimber, J Schmoranzer, A Stawrakakis , B Brence, D Baum, Kai Ludwig, M Heine , T Mielke, F Liu, A M Walter, M C Wahl, S J Sigrist. (2025). Blobby is a synaptic active zone assembly protein required for memory in Drosophila. Nature Communications, Jan, 2025.
Pascal Züfle, Leticia L. Batista, Sofia C. Brandão, Giovanni D’Uva, Christian Daniel and Carlotta Martelli . (2025). Impact of developmental temperature on neural growth, connectivity and function – Science Advances, 2025
Garner D, Kind E, Lai JYH, Nern A, Zhao A, Houghton L, Sancer G, Wolff T, Rubin GM, Wernet MF*, Kim SS*. (2024). Connectomic reconstruction predicts visual features used for navigation. Nature. 2024 Oct;634(8032):181-190. doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07967-z. *co-corresponding authors.
Agi E, Reifenstein ET, Wit C, Schneider T, Kauer M, Kehribar M, Kulkarni A, von Kleist M, Hiesinger PR. (2024). Axonal self-sorting without target guidance in Drosophila visual map formation. in Science. 2024 Mar 8;383(6687):1084-1092. doi: 10.1126/science.adk3043. Epub 2024 Mar 7.
Cornean J, Molina-Obando S, Gür B, Bast A, Ramos-Traslosheros G, Chojetzki J, Lörsch L, Ioannidou M, Taneja R, Schnaitmann C, Silies M. (2024). Heterogeneity of synaptic connectivity in the fly visual system. in Nat Commun. 2024 Feb 21;15(1):1570. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-45971-z.
Hürkey S, Niemeyer N, Schleimer JH, Ryglewski S, Schreiber S, and Duch C. (2023). Gap junctions desynchronize a neural circuit to stabilize insect flight. Nature 618:118-125.
Key References or prior to the inception of RobustCircuit
Ramesh N., Escher M.J.F., Mampell M.M., Böhme M.A., Götz T.W.B., Goel P., Matkovic T., Petzoldt A.G., Dickman D., Sigrist S.J. (2021). Antagonistic interactions between two Neuroligins coordinate pre- and postsynaptic assembly. Curr Biol. 31(8):1711-1725.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.01.093.
Kiral, F.R., Linneweber, G.A., Mathejczyk, T., Georgiev, S.V., Wernet, M.F., Hassan, B.A., von Kleist, M., Hiesinger, P.R. (2020). Autophagy-dependent filopodial kinetics restrict synaptic partner choice during Drosophila brain wiring. Nat Commun 11(1):1325. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-14781-4.
Linneweber, G.A., Andriatsilavo, M., Dutta, S., Hellbruegge, L., Liu, G., Ejsmont, R,K., Straw, A.D., Wernet, M., Hiesinger, P.R., Hassan, B.A. (2020). A neurodevelopmental origin of behavioral individuality in the Drosophila visual system. Science 367(6482):1112-1119. doi: 10.1126/science.aaw7182.
Ketkar M.D., Sporar K., Gür B., Ramos-Traslosheros G., Seifert M., Silies M. (2020).Luminance Information Is Required for the Accurate Estimation of Contrast in Rapidly Changing Visual Contexts. Curr Biol. 30(4):657-669.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2019.12.038.
Pfeiffer P., Egorov A.V., Lorenz F., Schleimer J.H., Draguhn A., Schreiber S. (2020). Clusters of cooperative ion channels enable a membrane-potential-based mechanism for short-term memory. eLife. 9:e49974. doi: 10.7554/eLife.49974.
Ozel, M.N., Kulkarni, A., Hasan, A., Brummer, J., Moldenhauer, M., Daumann, I.M., Wolfenberg, H., Dercksen, V.J., Kiral, F.R., Weiser, M., Prohaska, S., von Kleist, M.*, Hiesinger, P.R.* (2019). Serial synapse formation through filopodial competition for synaptic seeding factors.
Dev. Cell 50(4):447-461.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2019.06.014 * co-corresponding authors
Sancer G., Kind E., Plazaola-Sasieta H., Balke J., Pham T., Hasan A., Münch L.O., Courgeon M., Mathejczyk T.F., Wernet M.F. (2019) Modality-Specific Circuits for Skylight Orientation in the Fly Visual System. Curr Biol. 29(17):2812-2825.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2019.07.020.
Martelli, C.*, Fiala, A. (2019). Slow presynaptic mechanisms that mediate adaptation in the olfactory pathway of Drosophila. eLife, doi:10.7554/eLife.43735. *corresponding author.
Ryglewski S., Vonhoff F., Scheckel K., Duch C. (2017). Intra-neuronal Competition for Synaptic Partners Conserves the Amount of Dendritic Building Material. Neuron. 2017 Feb 8;93(3):632-645.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2016.12.043.
Hassan, B.A. and Hiesinger, P.R. (2015) Beyond Molecular Codes: Simple Rules to Wire Complex Brains. Cell, 163(2):285-291 doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2015.09.031.